December 8, 2019


Product-minded engineers

I've got a chat today with owner of a small company, which I was working for some years ago, on hiring a junior developer. We discussed a bit on workflow processes, a hiring process and the team culture. After chat I am filled with that context on background and so when I've seen these articles today, they've caught my attention:
The idea of product-minded engineer brings a brick in the wall of knowledge on how to distinguish between the different kinds of engineers. I can consider myself this kind of engineer, and I worked with some of this kind. So I know the difference. Obvious the hiring decision for a small company cannot be based on asking candidates to solve a dynamic programming problems on a e-whiteboard. Something more accurate must be used for a small teams. The important thing is to see how engineer can be involved into product creation not only as coder, but as product-minded engineer.

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