December 10, 2019


An interview assignment: ML image classifier (WhatsThat app)

Project repository. For how to install app see below "How to install app" section.

WhatsThat app privacy policy:

No user data is collected by app.
P.S. Actually it's completely offline app: contains no networking code at all.

Project summary

Diagram. Data streams overview.

Summary of what's done is below, also see (more in repository readme):

For my own projects I sometimes use non-standard coding conventions for XML (indents = 2 + special attributes order), and some for Java/Kotlin (indent = 2). However for team workflow I believe it's better to use a standards if there's no team decision otherwise. Also for larger teams >5 people it's better to always stick to standards (helps onboarding).

How to install app

Update 10 Dec:
- Implemented unit and instrumented tests
- Added unit test to CI pipeline
- Started adding dockerized android for instrumented tests (problem: server does not provide /dev/kvm, so emulator needs to be tunes to use ARM system image)
- Added user to Jira, Jenkins, Artifactory. Will share credentials tomorrow in a task report.
- Todo: Add Jenkins-slave with kvm to run instrumented tests.
- Todo: Add some general diagrams to show work flow, compose full task report.

Update 9 Dec: 
- Added MVVM with Jetpack to easily bind image classification with UI output
- Added dagger2 to more simple load of components
- TensorFlow model now works fine
- Project repo:
- Todo: Setup a functional test to be run in Jenkins as pre-build step. I plan to add a dockerized android emulator espresso test
- Todo: Add some general diagrams to show work flow.

Update 7 Dec: 
- Added Jira/Gitlab/Jenkins/Artifactory integrations and set up CI pipeline with CD to Artifactory.
- Added planned tasks to Jira (Kanban-based).
- Basic kotlin CameraX implementation is done.
- Tomorrow todos: set up basic quantized image analysis integration and further experiment with models.

5 Dec 2019. I've got assignment for the interview with a nice startup on ML image classification using existing pre-trained model. The aim of this project is to share my skills and experience in dealing with project, specifically an Android app.

I know almost nothing on the practical side of ML, so I've started reading.
Starting point is link from the assignment: The aim is to create Android app to classify an image like in the HBO's Silicon Valley's "Hotdog or not" app. Nice one, and a good chance for me to try ML.

From what I see like there're several frameworks available for Android from Google (I was surprised on wide range of them!):
  • TensorFlow (for IoT and mobile devices, has pre-trained models)
  • ML Kit
  • CloudVision (google cloud backed only, has first-1000-images-free period)
  • AutoML (this is on training a custom model)

There're some good ML learning materials not tied to specific framework:

TensorFlow has some pre-trained models listed at: Seems like there's a balance between accuracy and latency (not sure what NNAPI time is).

There's an Android example image classifier example project: I believe this is a good start to not to waste time on boilerplate code. Still I will need to build CI pipelines and I'd prefer at least some end to end tests, at least one or two.

I've decided to create a public repo project at my own gitlab's instance as I've all the required CI integrations set up already.

As a first step I'm going to try the TF Android example app with some pre-trained tensorflow-lite model.
From what I can compare now TensorFlow lite fits the task, although if it's not I'll switch to next (CloudVision seems to be a good next step to try). In the next posts I'll share some technical decisions made on this project (like CI, repo, tests, etc.).

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