April 12, 2017


Arch with mate: cannot lock screen with mate-screensaver, had to move to xscreensaver

I rarely pay much attention to opensource software bugs, but this regression is kind of severe as it touches security of desktop system.
I use Arch as desktop OS, with mate.  After latest update pacman -Syu I noticed that I can lock screen only once after restart or so. It works like this: when selecting "Lock screen" from menu it just does nothing, and it's nothing also in .xsession-errors. So screen remains unlocked.
When I (maybe mistakenly) try to manually execute mate-screensaver it says like "screensaver is already running for this session".
So I took way of getting rid of mate-screensaver and installing and using xscreensaver instead (pacman -S xscreensaver). It works just fine.

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