April 10, 2011
WTK 2.5.? key FIRE repeat bug and workaround proposed
WTK2.5 emulator has an annoying bug of repeating FIRE key in some circumstances.
Bug: in Canvas after first FIRE press/release method keyRepeat(FIRE) is called after each other key press (for example, after DOWN). Seems it's bug in WTK, cause in WTK 2.3 there's no such effect.
Workaround: test in your canvas constructor or in static init for
Bug: in Canvas after first FIRE press/release method keyRepeat(FIRE) is called after each other key press (for example, after DOWN). Seems it's bug in WTK, cause in WTK 2.3 there's no such effect.
Workaround: test in your canvas constructor or in static init for
boolean wtk = System.getProperty(microedition.platform).toLowerCase().indexOf("wtk") != -1After that return from keyRepeat() if wtk = true.
Labels: bug, bugfix, j2me, workaround, wtk