June 19, 2010


iphone updating hell - free apps lost

Yesterday i needed to update iphone (legal: not jailbroken, version 2 firmware to 3) for my friend. The whole task took more than 4 hours and was not fully successfull as iphone completely lost all free apps. Surely I backed up before updating. No success after several "All reset"->"Restore". What is interesting is that I can see all the apps icons and metadata in Backup data!.. No apps that are installed are incompatible with iphone os 3. Apple surely degrades.
So please note: if you have free apps and update to 3.1.3 ios from 2.* you have to find and install your free apps again. (hmm, after each update? or even after each restore from backup?).
Iphone is surely the odd waste of money.

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