September 18, 2009


Цитаты нашего отдела

VVB: "ненавижу нафиг движки всякие.. на языках этих.. динамических..."
О wordpress/php :)

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September 4, 2009


Making own bluetooth driver

I just got ASUS V6J in temporal replacement of notebook, and soon had the problem of having very bad drivers in Toshiba Bluetooth stack (they ate ~30% CPU even when BT was OFF! - it's the battery killer). The default MS drivers (winxp) did not recognize Toshiba BT device (some internal one for ASUS V6J, I don't know its exactly name). So I've found the way of installing MS drivers! Here's link to installator (INF) of Microsoft Bluetooth Stack drivers (default MS) for ASUS V6J notebook. Use it instead of Toshiba (ASUS default BT drivers), so if you have it installed, uninstall before using this.
Enjoy (save and right-mouse-click->Install)! :-)

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