April 27, 2019


Is Medium a noise-based platform?

Today I've searched some info on gson and found this blog post which as I use uBlock to block popups (like medium popups which I hate), I've noticed this text instead of image (almost all Medium-hosted blogs uses some strange full-screen images which usually consume first full-height page scroll, or more):
"This image has nothing to do with the article, but Medium recommended to add a picture ¯\_(ツ)_/¯".

Hey. Stop. If this has nothing to do with your article, why the hell did you add it? I don't care about my bandwidth, but it still consumes screen space (even blocked - it's blank space) and it's noise as author just sincerely wrote.

This shall not be the modern web. Yet Medium is a profitable company! I now still use Blogger which shares founder with Medium. But Blogger was and is not that bad! Just to give some clue of how much noise is on the first page of a regular Medium-based blog here's a screenshot (hint: everything is a noise!):
UPD: typos, formatting.

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April 23, 2019


Upgrading Android project to Studio 3.4

Upgrade involves:
  1. dependency versions chain upgrade: studio -> gradle plugin -> kotlin version
  2. solving mysterious problems with desugaring D8 (add "android.enableD8.desugaring=false" to gradle.properties)

I'm not very happy when I'm unexpectedly forced to spend 3h+ on infinite chain of tasks. This repeats itself for most of the Android Studio upgrades.

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April 14, 2019


Blueprint reverse-engineer server configuration

This post is more a bookmark for myself. Recently I've stumbled upon the server config reverse-engineering solution: Blueprint. I was reading about Slicehost, the hosting company that was bought by Rackspace in 2008.

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April 2, 2019


Brilliant talks on technology and leadership

I highly recommend these two healthy and spicy talks by Brian Cantrill (Joyent CTO, former Oracle, Sun; DTrace creator):
on tech leadership without management
on great principles of tech leadership

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